InTDS ArchivebyDr. Robert KüblerBayesian Hierarchical Marketing Mix Modeling in PyMCLearn how to build MMMs for different countries the right wayJul 25, 20227Jul 25, 20227
InTDS ArchivebyDr. Robert KüblerBayesian Marketing Mix Modeling in Python via PyMCEstimate the saturation, carryover, and other parameters all at once, including their uncertaintyDec 30, 202110Dec 30, 202110
InTDS ArchivebyDr. Robert KüblerA Small Python Library For Marketing Mix Modeling: MaMiMoCreate marketing mix models the scikit-learn wayMay 17, 202211May 17, 202211
InTDS ArchivebyDr. Robert KüblerIntroduction to Marketing Mix Modeling in PythonWhich advertising spendings are really driving your sales?Sep 22, 20216Sep 22, 20216
InData Science CollectivebyDr. Robert KüblerAn Upgraded Marketing Mix Modeling in PythonMake my mediocre marketing mix model much more mightySep 23, 202136Sep 23, 202136